Madeleine Sophie Daria Alizadeh /    DARIADARIA    Podcast (German):  DARIADARIA // Podcast mit Madeleine Sophie Daria Alizadeh // Sustainable Fashion Blogger
  Mirjam Smend /    My Green Style    German Interview:  Als Nachhaltige Mode Bloggerin auf der Guten Seite der Macht
  Marcus Werner & Anna Schunck /    VIERTEL VOR    Interview:  Marcus Werner & Anna Schunck // Founders of VIERTEL VOR.
  Franziska Uhl /  un petit sourire slows down
  Kim Gerlach /    sun and rise       Interview:  IS IT SPRING OR SUMMER NOW? | Fair Fashion Editorial with Kim Gerlach sun and rise
  Noa Ben Moshe /    Style with a Smile    Editorial:  WILD AND FREE, AS ANIMALS SHOULD BE
  Marie Nasemann /  Fairknallt
  Julia-Maria Blesin /    Fair Fashion OOTD    &    Nicetohave Mag    Interview:  Between Fair Fashion OOTD and Nicetohave Sustainable Brands.
  Verena Erin /  My Green Closet
  Jenny Day /    Greenglasses    Interview:  Jenny Day // Co-Founder of Greenglasses // Author and publisher of Prague Green City Guide
  Sylvie Tittel /  miss-interpreted
  Franziska Schmid /    Veggie Love    Interview:  Franziska Schmid // Founder and Blogger at Veggie Love.
  Mia Marjanovic /  heylilahey
  Vreni Jäckle /    Jäckle & Hösle    &    FASHION CHANGERS
  Jana Braumüller /    FASHION CHANGERS    &    Not Another Woman Magazine
  Anna Kessel /  Die Konsumentin
  Gerlind Hector /  Fair Fashion Net
  Esther Rühe /  Die Konsumentin
  Jil Carrara /  J  il Carrara
  Amina Stella Steiner   /  stellamina
  Marisa Neumeister /  My Fair Ladies
  Julia Maria Klös /    Green and Whales
  Martiene Raven /  Rabenmütter
  Leonie Schwaiger /  Glowing Mag     
  Lisa Trage /    At Least Blog    Interview:  Lisa Trage // Sustainable Fashion Blogger at At Least Blog
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